Final Script of Xanny music video

Xanny Music Video Script

Song time



0:00 till 0:08

Lyrics: non

Music: non

Camera: glides along the road till the shoes of the character.

Moves from the bottom to the top of the character’s body and takes a close-up of her face.

The title of the song appears the name of the artist appears.

0:08 till 0:14

Lyrics: what is it about them, I must be missing something.

Music: starts with the closeup.

Camera: close up of the character as she lip-syncs the song, hand-held effect, slow dolly out.


Lyrics: non

Music: beat change

Camera: still, in place shot of her in front of a plain background. She looks up and leaves the frame.

0:16 till 0:18

Lyrics: they just keep doing nothing.

Camera: the shot of the other character from behind, putting on his jacket. His face is not revealed yet.


Lyrics: non

Music: beat change

Camera: still, in place. Shot of the main character(the girl) in front of a plain background, the lights change along with the beat

0:20 till 0:22

Lyrics: too intoxicated

Camera: still, in place. The girl has her head on his shoulder while she is directly looking into the camera while the guy blows out smoke from his mouth.

0:22 till 0:24

Lyrics: to be scared

Camera: a shot of the guy covering his eyes, while the lights of the car headlights flash at him (a glimpse of the car accident which will happen onwards in the video)

0:25 till 0:28

Lyrics: better off without them

Camera: still shot. Close up of the girl while she lip-syncs, smoke is blown into the frame from the side.

0:28 till 0:29

Lyrics: They’re nothing but unstable

Camera: shot from the left side of the character. She opens the curtain as she looks outside (fragment from a future scene)

0:30 till 0:33

Lyrics: non

Music: beat drop

Cut in shots of her sitting in front of the cupcake with the candle on it and the next shot cuts to her eating it.

0:33 till 0:37

Lyrics: Bring ashtrays to the table

Camera: Her head on his shoulder while she looks into the camera. He picks out a cigarette from the astray and lights it up.

Smoke gets blown into the frame

0:38 till 0:43

Lyrics: And that’s about the only thing they share

They both are sitting at the dining table, she is looking into the camera while he lights up the candle on the cupcake


Lyrics: Waking up at sundown

Match-cut to her sitting on the dining table alone in front of the cupcake

0:46 till 0:50

Lyrics: They’re late to every party

Camera: moves slowly to take her close-up as she is looking towards the sun with her hand up trying to cover her eyes from the sunlight.

0:50 till 0:57

Lyrics: Nobody’s ever sorry, too inebriated.

Camera: zooms into her face, taking a close-up of her sitting in front of the cupcake alone in the dark.

0:57 till 0:59

Lyrics: now to dance

Camera: still, in place. Shot of them slow dancing in front of a plain background.

0:59 till 1:07

Lyrics: morning as they come down, their pretty heads are hurting

Camera: She opens up the curtains and looks back, as the camera glides along the bed, where the other character Is sleeping and gets disturbed by the lights, he throws a pillow on the camera.


Lyrics: non

Music: beat drop

Camera: still, in place. Her standing alone then matches cut on beat to them standing back to back.

1:10 till 1:12

Lyrics: they’re awfully bad at learning.

Close up of her lip-syncing.

1:13 till 1:17

Lyrics: make the same mistakes, blame circumstances

Camera: from the back seat, shot of them arguing in the car as he turns the car harshly ( potential accident)

1:19 till 1:33

Lyrics: I’m in the second hands smoke, still just drinking canned coke. I don’t need a xanny to feel better.

Camera: still, in place. Her standing in front of a wall, drinks coke from a can, smoke gets blown into the camera

1:34 till 1:36

Lyrics: non

Music: Beat drop/change

Camera: a shot of her carrying him and putting him in the back seat of the car, then she goes around and sits in the driver’s seat.

1:36 till 1:40

Lyrics: One designated drive home only one who's not stoned

Shot of her driving while he is unconscious in the back.

1:44 till 1:46

Lyrics: Don’t give me a xanny now or ever

She lip-synced the lyrics, looking directly into the camera. Cut in shots

1: 49 till 1:58

Lyrics: Please don’t try to kiss me on the sidewalk

Music: beat drops on 1:49

As the beat drop, she falls on the bed as the camera glides along with her ( right to left) and then it cuts to the next shot of him intoxicated and walking in front of a car.

1:59 till 2:07

Lyrics: On your cigarette break

Flashbacks of their memories together, back when they were happy. Walking down the street in joy and then match cut to walking in dark with a gap between them. Cut in shots on him smoking

2:10 till 2:35

Lyrics: I can’t afford to love someone, who isn’t dying by mistake in silver lake.

Music: slow

Bird's eye view/aerial shot of her laying down in the bed as she is directly looking up into the camera, lip-syncing. The camera slowly dollies out when the lyrics end.

2:35 till 2:54

Lyrics: what is it about them, I must be missing something. They just keep doing nothing, too intoxicated to be scared

She is laying down when her phone rings, she picks up the phone and gets to know that her best friend has died in a car accident. She puts down the phone and looks directly into the camera in sadness and shock as the light turns blue,

2:55 till 2:58

Lyrics: non

Music: the sound of blowing.

She is sitting in front of the same cupcake with the candle on it. She then blows onto the candle and the music video ends.



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